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October 14, 2022 | General, Large Corporations, SME, Other

Death to passwords: Beta passkey support comes to Chrome and Android

Death to passwords: Beta passkey support comes to Chrome and Android

Big Tech's cross-platform password replacement arrives in the Google ecosystem.

On the same subject

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    October 5, 2022

    Cybersécurité : Quelques conseils quand on est petit

    Les PME disposent de moins de ressources financières et humaines que les grandes entreprises, mais elles font face aux mêmes défis en matière de cybersécurité. Pour se protéger, elles ont néanmoins accès à des outils performants, mais l’enjeu se situe surtout sur le plan des processus entourant le facteur humain.

  • Cybersecurity: a key theme in the travel industry

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    Cybersecurity: a key theme in the travel industry

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  • AT&T Cybersecurity Blog : Ransomware - undeniably top of mind

    October 7, 2022

    AT&T Cybersecurity Blog : Ransomware - undeniably top of mind

    A brief walk down memory lane: Ransomware is not a new threat   Ransomware’s first documented attack was relatively rudimentary. It was delivered via floppy disk containing a malware program in 1989 that told its victims to pay $189 in ransom to a PO Box in Panama. Today ransomware criminals are significantly more sophisticated, thanks to advances in cyber methods and cryptocurrencies. Not all Ransomware is created equally. Like all malware, malicious codes vary in so

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