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February 21, 2023 | General, Large Corporations, SME, Government

Cybersecurity: a key theme in the travel industry

GlobalData analyses the impact of cybersecurity on the travel and tourism industry.

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  • CMMC Accreditation Body Announces Election of New Board Officers

    November 18, 2022

    CMMC Accreditation Body Announces Election of New Board Officers

    Dalton continued, “Two of my top goals are to ensure that all CMMC participants understand that the recently announced ‘CMMC 2.0’ offers continued, compelling and implementable value, as well as to provide our CEO, Matthew Travis, all the tools and support he needs to make the CMMC-AB and the entire ecosystem successful.” “In addition, we are committed to ensuring that we have the most professional and highly qualified Board possible,” Dalton stated. “That will include recruiting additional experienced and capable professionals to join our Board, as well as incorporating formal training and certification programs while we transition the AB to align with requirements defined by the International Organization for Standardization (ISO).”

  • Transformation numérique : les tendances en 2023

    December 22, 2022

    Transformation numérique : les tendances en 2023

    Du cloud à la collaboration virtuelle, en passant par des expériences numériques sans friction, l’intelligence artificielle ou encore le partage de données en temps réel : telles sont quelques-unes des principales tendances en matière de transformation numérique qui façonneront la prochaine année, estiment plusieurs directeurs et experts de la stratégie TI en entreprises interrogées à cet égard par le magazine spécialisé The Entreprisers Project.

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