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  • CCCS Report - National Cyber Threat Assessment 2023-2024

    October 28, 2022

    CCCS Report - National Cyber Threat Assessment 2023-2024

    Canadians use the Internet for financial transactions, to connect with friends and family, attend medical appointments and work. As Canadians spend more time and do more on the Internet, the opportunities grow for cyber threat activity to impact their daily lives. There's been a rise in the amount of personal, business and financial data available online, making it a target for cyber threat actors. This trend towards connecting important systems to the Internet increases the threat of service disruption from cyber threat activity. ...

  • Vol de données en entreprise - Bof !, disent un tiers des employés québécois

    October 28, 2022

    Vol de données en entreprise - Bof !, disent un tiers des employés québécois

    Un employé sur cinq est même convaincu qu'il ne peut pas être la cible au travail d'un cybercriminel. Ces résultats ne sont peut-être pas étrangers à une autre constatation : dans une proportion similaire, 30 % des employés québécois indiquent qu'aucune formation en cybersécurité n'est prodiguée sur leur lieu de travail.

  • Mal préparées, les PME surestiment leurs capacités de résilience

    October 28, 2022

    Mal préparées, les PME surestiment leurs capacités de résilience

    Une étude confirme la part majoritaire des attaques sur les PME, particulièrement exposées avec les TPE, en raison d'un niveau de protection très faible.

  • Cybertalk - What C-Suite leaders should know to recognize phishing

    October 25, 2022

    Cybertalk - What C-Suite leaders should know to recognize phishing

    In order to protect C-Suite executives from becoming victims of cyber crime, it is important they are aware of tactics and techniques that cyber criminals use in phishing campaigns.

  • Starlink unveils airplane service—Musk says it’s like using Internet at home

    October 25, 2022

    Starlink unveils airplane service—Musk says it’s like using Internet at home

    SpaceX is now advertising Starlink aviation, promising 350Mbps broadband with unlimited data for each airplane it's installed in. "Starlink can deliver up to 350Mbps to each plane, enabling all passengers to access streaming-capable Internet at the same time," the company said. "With latency as low as 20 ms, passengers can engage in activities previously not functional in flight, including video calls, online gaming, virtual private networks and other high data rate activities."

  • Understanding the True Financial Risks of Ransomware Attacks

    October 20, 2022

    Understanding the True Financial Risks of Ransomware Attacks

    The European Union Agency for Cybersecurity (ENISA) recently defined today's threat landscape as the “golden era of ransomware”. Ransomware has become one of the biggest cybersecurity threats facing organizations today in any industry and any market – and unfortunately, it is only likely to get worse.

  • 18 per cent of businesses affected by cybersecurity incidents last year: StatCan

    October 19, 2022

    18 per cent of businesses affected by cybersecurity incidents last year: StatCan

    A new Statistics Canada report says 18 per cent of Canadian businesses were impacted by cybersecurity incidents last year, down from 21 per cent in 2019, as they spent more money to prevent attacks.

  • How software updates can save you time, stress and money

    October 19, 2022

    How software updates can save you time, stress and money

    Is your device saying "update needed"? Is your device asking you to install software that might be time-consuming to install?

  • Centre canadien pour la cybersécurité - Guide - Choisir la solution de cybersécurité qui convient le mieux à votre organisation

    October 19, 2022

    Centre canadien pour la cybersécurité - Guide - Choisir la solution de cybersécurité qui convient le mieux à votre organisation

    Le présent document traite des diverses options que les organisations de toutes tailles peuvent envisager lorsqu'elles cherchent à renforcer leur posture de cybersécurité. Il présente les pratiques exemplaires de base en matière de cybersécurité que les organisations peuvent mettre en œuvre avec leurs ressources en place, ainsi que les pratiques qui peuvent être mises en œuvre en faisant appel à un fournisseur de services de sécurité gérés (FSSG). ...

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