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October 19, 2022 | General, Large Corporations, SME, Government

Centre canadien pour la cybersécurité - Guide - Choisir la solution de cybersécurité qui convient le mieux à votre organisation

Le présent document traite des diverses options que les organisations de toutes tailles peuvent envisager lorsqu'elles cherchent à renforcer leur posture de cybersécurité.

Il présente les pratiques exemplaires de base en matière de cybersécurité que les organisations peuvent mettre en œuvre avec leurs ressources en place, ainsi que les pratiques qui peuvent être mises en œuvre en faisant appel à un fournisseur de services de sécurité gérés (FSSG). ...

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  • The Digital World Is Changing Rapidly. Your Cybersecurity Needs to Keep Up.

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    The Digital World Is Changing Rapidly. Your Cybersecurity Needs to Keep Up.

    In 2022 alone, a total of 4,100 publicly disclosed data breaches occurred, comprising some 22 billion records that were exposed. All this despite the fact that organizations around the world spent a record-breaking $150 billion on cybersecurity in 2021. Software itself is changing, too. The rise of artificial intelligence in general, and generative AI in particular, is fundamentally altering the way companies use software. The increasing use of AI is, in turn, making software?s attack surfaces more complicated and software itself more vulnerable. How, then, should companies go about securing their software and data? What companies aim to achieve from their security programs must evolve, just as the way that companies? use of data and software has evolved. It is past time for their cybersecurity efforts to change. This article covers three such changes that companies can make to adapt to the growing insecurities of the digital world.

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