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June 23, 2023 | Local, Defence and Security

Through the #DefenceMINDS Program, the Triple Helix Network will receive $250,000 per year, for three years, to help DND/CAF address cyber, space, continental defence, and emerging technologies.

Network Director: Guillaume Côté, David Perry, and Alex Wilner

Triple Helix: An Academic-Policy-Industry Partnership for Defence Innovation and Analysis (Triple Helix)
Calgary, AB

Defence Policy Challenges Addressed: Emerging Technologies and Military Application; Cyber, Space and Information; Securing North America and Continental Defence

The project will help improve understanding of the impact of emerging technologies and explore how it can be combined with policy instruments and capabilities to strengthen continental defence; increase awareness of the policy and cooperation mechanisms in place to support allied military interoperability and connectivity; and identify paths to foster greater cooperation between government, academia, think tanks, and industry in the domain.

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