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  • The Digital World Is Changing Rapidly. Your Cybersecurity Needs to Keep Up.

    16 mai 2023

    The Digital World Is Changing Rapidly. Your Cybersecurity Needs to Keep Up.

    In 2022 alone, a total of 4,100 publicly disclosed data breaches occurred, comprising some 22 billion records that were exposed. All this despite the fact that organizations around the world spent a record-breaking $150 billion on cybersecurity in 2021. Software itself is changing, too. The rise of artificial intelligence in general, and generative AI in particular, is fundamentally altering the way companies use software. The increasing use of AI is, in turn, making software?s attack surfaces more complicated and software itself more vulnerable. How, then, should companies go about securing their software and data? What companies aim to achieve from their security programs must evolve, just as the way that companies? use of data and software has evolved. It is past time for their cybersecurity efforts to change. This article covers three such changes that companies can make to adapt to the growing insecurities of the digital world.

  • AI?s key role in cybersecurity and national security?

    16 mai 2023

    AI?s key role in cybersecurity and national security?

    While artificial intelligence (AI) is not new, Google Bard, Microsoft Bing, ChatGPT and similar products have made the technology accessible and understandable to the average consumer. However, concerns over privacy and security have led to calls for a pause on AI development and an interest in heavy regulation. While these risks should be addressed, the?

  • Les enjeux juridiques entourant ChatGPT avec Imran Ahmad, associé, chef canadien, Technologies, et cochef canadien, Gouvernance de l’information, protection des renseignements personnels et cybersécurité et Liana Di Giorgio, avocate senior chez Norton Ros

    17 mars 2023

    Les enjeux juridiques entourant ChatGPT avec Imran Ahmad, associé, chef canadien, Technologies, et cochef canadien, Gouvernance de l’information, protection des renseignements personnels et cybersécurité et Liana Di Giorgio, avocate senior chez Norton Ros

    Les outils d’intelligence artificielle générative gagnent en popularité, ChatGPT plus que tous les autres. Lancé en novembre dernier par OpenAI, ce robot conversationnel qui fait fureur est utilisé par des entreprises et des particuliers partout dans le monde. Il peut parler, générer des textes, écrire des codes, répondre à des questions, rédiger une dissertation – bref, il peut presque tout faire. Mais quelles sont les incidences juridiques découlant de l’utilisation de contenu produit par ChatGPT? Dans cette courte vidéo, Imran Ahmad discute avec sa collègue Liana Di Giorgio de certains de ces enjeux et donne quelques conseils pratiques. Pour plus d’information à ce sujet, nous vous invitons à communiquer avec Norton Rose Fulbright. Visionner maintenant

  • Microsoft vulnerability can strike before users open ?malicious? email: CSE centre - National |

    16 mars 2023

    Microsoft vulnerability can strike before users open ?malicious? email: CSE centre - National |

    The alert sent out Wednesday?says the advisory from Microsoft was one of "several critical vulnerabilities" published by the company the day before.

  • Governance of Zero Trust in manufacturing

    22 février 2023

    Governance of Zero Trust in manufacturing

    Manufacturers are some of the most ambitious firms on the planet when it comes to harnessing the power of edge technology to modernize their businesses. As they make plans in 2023 to     enhance business outcomes through the use of technologies such as 5G and IoT, manufacturers should also increasingly be called to innovate in the spheres of governance and cyber risk management. OT-IT convergence drives manufacturing modernization The convergence of operational technol

  • Cybersecurity: a key theme in the travel industry

    21 février 2023

    Cybersecurity: a key theme in the travel industry

    GlobalData analyses the impact of cybersecurity on the travel and tourism industry.

  • Use these phishing-resistant authenticators, says NIST

    16 février 2023

    Use these phishing-resistant authenticators, says NIST

    Want to stop hackers from using phishing as leverage to get into your IT environment? Start using phishing-resistant multifactor authenticators such as hardware keys and identity verification cards.

  • What Will It Take?

    14 février 2023

    What Will It Take?

    What will it take for policy makers to take cybersecurity seriously?

  • Les USA et la Corée du Sud lancent une alerte sur des gangs de rançongiciels de Corée du Nord

    14 février 2023

    Les USA et la Corée du Sud lancent une alerte sur des gangs de rançongiciels de Corée du Nord

    « Les agences en question estiment qu’un montant indéterminé de revenus provenant de ces opérations en crypto-monnaie soutient les priorités et les objectifs nationaux de la RPDC (République populaire démocratique de Corée), y compris les cyberopérations ciblant les gouvernements des États-Unis et de la Corée du Sud »

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