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    November 11, 2022

    Dans une communication sur le darknet, le groupe  russophone Lockbit 3.0 annonce s'en prendre au groupe d'électronique français. Il s'est fait connaître en France avec la cyberattaque de l'hôpital de Corbeil-Essonnes à la fin du mois d'août.

  • U.S. authorities charge Russian-Canadian over alleged ties to ransomware group

    November 10, 2022

    U.S. authorities charge Russian-Canadian over alleged ties to ransomware group

    American authorities have charged a 33-year-old Russian-Canadian living north of Toronto over his alleged participation in a global ransomware operation. The United States Department of Justice (DOJ) on Thursday said the Bradford, Ont., resident is currently in custody in Canada and is awaiting extradition to the United States.

  • SES Selects Arianespace to Launch EAGLE-1 Satellite for Europe’s Quantum Cryptography

    November 9, 2022

    SES Selects Arianespace to Launch EAGLE-1 Satellite for Europe’s Quantum Cryptography

    The EAGLE-1 satellite, which will support the end-to-end secure Quantum Key Distribution (QKD) system for Europe, will be launched for SES by Arianespace on a Vega C rocket from French Guiana as early as Q4 2024.

  • Des cyberattaques perturbent les activités chez Sobeys et Maple Leaf

    November 9, 2022

    Des cyberattaques perturbent les activités chez Sobeys et Maple Leaf

    Des incidents de cybersécurité sont survenus ces dernières heures dans le secteur alimentaire. Le premier perturbe les services de Sobeys (et ses bannières IGA et IGA Extra) depuis la fin de semaine, puis un second a causé une panne informatique dimanche chez Les Aliments Maple Leaf. Bien qu’ils puissent ne pas être reliés, les deux événements affecteraient la chaîne d’approvisionnement.

  • Pentagon to unveil zero-trust cyber strategy

    November 8, 2022

    Pentagon to unveil zero-trust cyber strategy

    The U.S. Department of Defense’s zero-trust strategy will be published in the coming days, giving the public a fresh look at its plan to achieve a new level of cybersecurity.

  • How Australia plans to triple its offensive cyber capabilities

    November 8, 2022

    How Australia plans to triple its offensive cyber capabilities

    Redspice — which stands for Resilience, Effects, Defence, Space, Intelligence, Cyber, Enablers — is set to receive AU$9.9 billion (U.S. $6.3 billion) over the next decade, the government of then-Prime Minister Scott Morrison announced in March. The funding represents the largest-ever investment in Australia’s national cyber and intelligence capabilities.

  • 10 Cybersecurity predictions for 2023

    November 7, 2022

    10 Cybersecurity predictions for 2023

    As we head into 2023, we look back at the last year and the focus will continue to be on reducing risk exposure and resilience. Organizations are strengthening their ransomware defense, security, and privacy approach to product development, cyberattack response, supply chain risk management and operational technology (OT) security and based on working with customers across industry sectors, here is a compilation of some trends we predict for 2023. 1. Critical Infrastructure and Public Sector wi

  • Boeing subsidiary Jeppesen's services impacted by cyber incident

    November 7, 2022

    Boeing subsidiary Jeppesen's services impacted by cyber incident

    Boeing Co said on Friday its subsidiary Jeppesen was impacted by a cyber incident which affected certain flight planning products and services.

  • Threat Landscape ENISA 2022 - 2022, année de tous les cyberdangers

    November 4, 2022

    Threat Landscape ENISA 2022 - 2022, année de tous les cyberdangers

    Dans son dernier rapport sur le panorama des menaces 2022, l'agence européenne de cybersécurité (Enisa) pointe des impacts liés à la guerre en Ukraine avec l'émergence d'une dernière vague d'hacktivisme. La multiplication des exploits zero-day, des ransomwares et des attaques de type supply chain est également relevée.

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